Executive Coaching – Should I Consider It?

10 Questions to help you decide if Executive Coaching is for you

For a new executive, coaching can accelerate onboarding and culturation while quickly deepening leadership capabilities. It enhances a leader’s ability to think strategically, drive results and often empowers a leader to reach their full potential faster. 

But, will you benefit from executive coaching? If you find yourself answering “yes” to any of the following questions, it may be time for you to learn more about executive coaching. 

  • Is it more difficult for me to find someone to talk to about my work challenges now that I’m the boss?
  • Am I missing a previous mentor or manager who talked to me straight?
  • Am I working harder with less result?
  • Do I feel numb or react to situations with inappropriate emotions?
  • Can I see the connection between my performance and the company’s performance and feel overwhelmed?
  • Is there one or two important professional relationships that I can’t seem to get right?
  • I focused and achieved my career goals but now that I’ve arrived, I’m wondering, what’s next?
  • Do I suspect that I’m not getting real feedback now that I’m the boss?
  • Have I been energized when attending a leadership class, company meeting, or an industry conference but then my enthusiasm wanes?
  • Am I aware that I have blind spots and what could I doing about them?

One of the results of executive coaching is the ability for leaders to better understand both themselves and others.  Using a number of tools, such as the Johari Window illustrated below, an executive coach helps you to hear feedback, discover more of your potential and understand how others may see you.  An executive coach helps you to have a broader “open area” allowing others to know more about you, and helps you be more confident in what you understand about yourself.  An executive coach helps you address some of the questions you answered “yes” to the above, so you can thrive as a leader for your team and organization.  



  • Accelerated onboarding and smoother transitions.
  • Enhanced ability to think strategically and drive results.
  • Healthier and more productive work environments

Executive coaching may be one of the most underutilized tools that helps leaders reach their full potential. The practice is as unique as the coaches themselves. It involves a confidential relationship where the executive drives the agenda, and the coach provides structure, accountability, and a way to measure progress.  

Studies report an average return on investment (ROI) for executive coaching in the range of 5 to 7 times the cost of coaching. The investment is returned when the leader quickly knows how to leverage their own personal strengths to advance both the team’s and the organization’s  goals. Coached leaders are more resonant and better able to manage difficult situations with successful outcomes.


An executive coaching engagement typically lasts six to twelve months and includes monthly sessions. Kincannon & Reed Executive Coaches are certified and have proven experience in both coaching and food & agriculture. Each coach brings a unique perspective to support executives building their leadership potential. If you would like to connect with an Executive Coach and learn more about how you can reach your full potential faster e-mail us at KRCoach@KRSearch.com  

Metrics Data Courtesy: Anderson 2001; International Coach Federation, 2009; McGovern et al, 2001; Executive Coaching Associ. Vol IV, #1; Anderson, 2001; International Coach Federation, 2009; McGovern et al., 2001; Parker Wilkins, 2006